Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring has sprung, and so has my depression, again

So, usually around this time of year I have no depression issues at all. I can't stop doing things, can't stop going going going, but this year...I don't know, it's just different. Perhaps it's because I know that my time as just one person, one part of a marriage is coming to a close as we draw closer and closer to starting a family. I know that next year at this time, I will probably never again utter the phrase, 'I'm bored, what can I do.'

Enough: I can not go there for long. I have to avoid.

Today I've: gone to the farmer's market and bought tons of stuff. I've prepped 3 single servings of spaghetti squash and frozen them for next time the MR. wants spaghetti.
I'm making sweet potato biscuits later for our family cookout.
I got corn, squash and zucchini to grill for said cookout.
I am getting ready to haul manure and top soil over to my new raised bed to plant more stuff.
 (I've never grown a garden before and I'm really happy with how it's going so far)

Perhaps I will break out my glass cutter later on. I could do some damage to some wine bottles.
no, no more projects started.

Also-I added a trip to spring break. I'm going to the mountains with my school friend and her mom.  Hurray for an impromptu trip to Grandfather mountain. I'm ready to hike and relax and have some girl time.

Tutoring is going well. I'm $60 from paying off airline ticket 1.
I still need around $260 to pay off airline ticket 2.

Since my weekly tutoring pay is about to go from 70 to 85 this won't be too awful. Hopefully they will want to continue over the summer. It's fun working with the kids one on one since it's so different from what I normally do. It's also nice to have some extra money to pay things off with.

Ah well, no more avoiding. Outside to haul dirt/fancy poop I go.

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