Saturday, March 31, 2012

Working for the...summer?

With my first year of working as a school system employee coming to a close (slowly and quickly at the same time) I am catching what many other teachers and students have. The summer fever.

Here are some of the thoughts/things to do on my mind:

I am making so many travel plans it's insane. I can not WAIT to visit: The Florida Keys with the Mr., Vegas with my ladies, Chicago to visit friends and family and I'm contemplating Canada. This of course does not include the MANY trips to the beach or mountains I anticipate, because when you live in NC and the beach is 3.5 hours away and 1.5 hours from the mountains, day/weekend trips are endless.

The traveling does not of course take me away from my big plans for the summer: get on those DIY projects and get this house organized.
As the mister and I are beginning to get ready to make it the THREE of us rather than two (not yet, planning stages only) there are so many things that I need to get ready. Pinterest isn't helping. I'm only finding more things that are you know, a necessity.

I think that I need to start posting on here more often because as my Kindle and I lay in bed, catching up with all the blogs I follow on Google Reader, I realize that my experiences in life might not be just like my friends around me, but that other people have similar tastes, preferences and experiences that I could relate to and find comfort in.  I read a blog last night about a woman going through PPD. As a person who has struggled with seasonal affective disorder and occasional depression, this TERRIFIES me.  I feel like there is a huge chance given my history that I will end up with this. Reading other people's experiences of going through things that I am afraid of makes me feel bonded to other women and stronger, even if I don't know them outside of the blogosphere.

That's mostly my thoughts for now. These are my random musings. I will challenge myself to blog at least once a week.  Next time I think I will put in some pictures of my DIY projects/before after.

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