Friday, June 1, 2012

Nearly the end of school...thank God

So, I have nearly 9 weeks off coming up. I have plans:
-travel (the Florida keys, Chicago, Vegas)
-pinterest crafts, lots of them
-get more organized for the upcoming year. More responsibilities at work mean greater need for organization.
-get ready for the expansion of our family. Although I am not expecting yet, that is on the very very near future list, and I am a big planner.
-Enjoy the simple things. I need to spend time in my hammock, reading, staring at clouds, walking through gardens, sliding down rocks in the mountains...
-Try to blog more often. I stink at it.

Mostly though, I have to make sure I do not give into depression. I will have to keep myself super busy for this to happen.

Sharing a good yum:
The peanut butter pie above is one of the easiest things I've ever made and so insanely delicious.
Give it a whirl. It's only 4 ingredients.