Saturday, December 24, 2011

So this is Christmas

I know that I am in the minority of many, but  The social pressures and expectations annoy me. The materialist aspect of it annoys me. Eight year olds don't need Ipods or cell phones.  The cheerfulness and optimism that you are expected to show is annoying and nothing but forced for me. I HATE when people say they have to 'buy Christmas' for their 'babies.' (Your eight year old is not a baby.)
  I have seasonal affective disorder. It's not something I chose. I wish I could be all kinds of excited to buy people crap that they will have forgotten about by February. I wish that I was excited to eat a giant meal of turkey and potatoes with my family who hates to get together, but I'm just not.
Why does the holiday season make you feel as though you have to just keep quiet and pretend. It feels very 'shame on you for not submitting to the norms of society.'
It's especially annoying in the South because people are obsessive over the holiday season.
Here are some gems:
 'Jesus is the reason for the season' usually said by people who are spending hundreds of dollars on gifts that they don't need and can't afford.
'Keep the Christ in CHRISTmas'. This one is said to oppose the Xmas thing. BTW: X was the Greek symbol for Christ. Look it up, they aren't being hateful, just lazy.

Tonight I am going to the in-law family Christmas for the 10th time.
They will ask me two questions: have you lost weight and when are you going to have a baby.
They may also throw in comments about 'my' president and how dare I be liberal.

I've outlasted a wife and a fiance' from my brother in law, but I'm still just a girlfriend who doesn't belong in their family after 9 years. Sigh. Maybe once I give them a baby to play with my 3+ years of marriage will count for something.
At least the little girl likes me. I can hide out in her Princess room all night and read to her. It's my favorite thing about Christmas, if I had to pick one.

I also like sausage balls and no bake cookies, just so that you don't think I'm completely bitter.
And wine, I always like wine.
Next year I probably won't even be able to enjoy the wine. Yikes.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm going coco-nuts

So this is probably a generalized and sweepingly broad statement, but I have come to the conclusion that coconut is the most epic superfood there ever was.
The milk can be used to cook with or as a hair treatment.
A handful in your oatmeal makes it taste like an exotic dish.
A cup of it added to chocolate chip cookies make them absolutely amazing.

Quite a random post, but there it is.